Friday, May 29, 2009


1. God Loves You!

The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"

The problem is that . . .

2. All of us have done, said or thought things that are wrong. This is called sin, and our sins have separated us from God.

The Bible says “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” God is perfect and holy, and our sins separate us from God forever. The Bible says “The wages of sin is death.”

The good news is that, about 2,000 years ago,

3. God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. “God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”

Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father. He offers us the gift of eternal life -- of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."

God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name." You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your Lord and Savior.

4. If you want to accept Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by praying a prayer like this:

"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always."

Did you pray this prayer?

Last Days' Events eCourse

The online Last Day Events course is a must for those who have already studied basic, Biblical Christian doctrine. But it serves a crying need in today's society. The political, religious, social, and economic trends that mark the world today have people's minds in confusion. This simple, step-by-step outline brings clarity out of the mists of the contemporary anxiety, fear, and despair, as well as a warning sound in regard to the simplistic optimism by which masses of people are manipulated. The knowledge about the time of the end found here liberates from both fear and false hopes, giving a firm foundation in the promises of God. You automatically enlist in the course by answering the quiz of any lesson. The system will keep track of the lessons you have successfully completed. Completion of the Bible Study Lessons Course is required before taking this course. {8 lessons: 200 WLC Points} Go to Lesson Index.

Bible Study Lessons eCourse

The online Bible study course provides a series of lessons on Biblical Christian doctrine. Each point of faith is proven on the basis of Bible texts. Many will be surprised to learn that the Bible does not teach the Trinity, the Atonement finished on the cross, the coming thousand-year kingdom of peace on the earth, nor many other doctrines thought to be true. The entire doctrinal foundation necessary for saving faith and maintaining a Christian life appears in concise but detailed form. While the scope of the course is challenging, every effort is made to make it accessible to everyone. It requires a close reading of the Scripture and encourages immediate commitment to what one has learned. You automatically enlist in the course by answering the quiz of any lesson. The system will keep track of the lessons you have successfully completed. {45 lessons: 1125 WLC Points}
May you feast on God’s word! Go to the Lesson Index.

Free Online Bible Study Courses: Biblical Christian Doctrine from World's Last Chance

The below listed courses are not only free of charge, but you earn WLC points when you successfully complete the courses. With the points earned you can purchase books and CDs from a our Store.

There is no registration required for enrolling into the courses. By studying and answering the quiz for any lesson, you become automatically enrolled. The system in place will keep track of the lessons you successfully complete. The lessons completed will be marked in your own lesson index.

After successfully completing the course, you will be awarded your earned points, at the rate of 25 points per each lesson.

We are confident that these course will enrich your understanding of His truth, and will help you in your personal spiritual preparation for the soon second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

This site is dedicated to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the fruit of which is peace - quietness and confidence forever. To those poor in spirit, who seek a much closer relationship with God and Christ. To those pilgrims in a strange land, who know there has to be something more.

To those who mourn under the burden of sin; to be truly clean in thought, word, and deed. To those who long to serve the Lord, according to his direction and will. To those wayfaring men and women who have been searching for their Beloved, turn in here. We proclaim the Holy Way to find the water so you never thirst again - to find Bread from heaven- to find fullness and completeness in Christ - to hear and see and know your Beloved - Christ in you, the hope of glory.

To attain the available fullness, one needs to know, and then believe what is possible. The writings of George Fox testify to thousands of men and women who became one with Christ and God and exhibited their moral ethnicity, and how this joy is available to all who hope and believe in the power of his name, and the true hope: purity through the inward cross of self-denial, the power of God. And after purity, to enter paradise, the Kingdom of God within and among us; our consciousness and sight being translated to the spiritual dimension, to live in union with Christ and God in their presence, while walking on earth by the light of God, as children of the light. For God is light and nearby; in him we live and move and have our being.

From the Voice of the Lord: "These writings show the true character of the church of Christ as well as the way out of darkness to light. Within these writings, you may attain the way to salvation and disprove others, while discovering the hidden depths of the gospel that Jesus came to deliver."

Note: These writings only refer to the early Quakers.
Many of today's Quaker sects don't require a belief in Christ or even God.

For those of you unfamiliar with Bible terminology,
click here for a plain speaking summary of this page.

This is repent to enter paradise on earth - good news, not bad news. For God is good and wishes us to be with Him as a partaker of the divine nature. But to be in his presence, we must become pure through death of our sinful nature on the Missing Cross to Purity - the inward cross of self-denial that leads to purity - missing from, and forgotten by Christianity today. These writings show the way to purity and union through the inward cross of self-denial.

If anyone would come after me,
he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Luke 9:23

Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Mat 10:38

You follow Jesus by listening to His word in your heart, hearing Him, and obeying Him.
Luke 6:46-48

How else are you going to follow Jesus? You can't follow him reading the Bible. He can only lead you with instructions tailored to your individual circumstances. To be led you must humbly get quiet to listen, then you must wait to hear Him, then you must obey Him. Jesus tells us six times that we must pick up our cross and follow him. Self-denial with obedience to the Lord's voice is the cross. Until you can hear and obey him, you must do your best to obey the moral core of the law: don't steal, don't lie, don't covet, don't commit adultery, forgive, do for others as you would have them do for you, etc. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, [and obey] and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies promised to David. Isa 55:3, Luke 6:46-49. Blessed is the man who hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. Proverbs 8:34, Luke 11:28.

A great darkness has perverted salvation to be instant, supposedly actuated by various forms of heathenish ritual, leaving us captive to our sinful natures; confusing the Kingdom of God, within you and among you, which does not come with signs to be observed or visible display, to be an after-death-only heaven; and then again confusing the return of Christ with his Kingdom to individuals purified from their sinful natures, to be a future one-time return of Christ to the whole world. This site's purpose is to unravel the knot of lies blanketing Christianity and sculpturally correct the confusion, in hope of inspiring you to seek the available union with Christ and God in the Kingdom while on earth, which comes to individual persons by repentance to purity.

There are those in Christendom who are content to find the minimum requirements to escape Hell; for them there is the broad, easy way that seems right to a man, but ends in destruction. Then there are those in Christendom who are ready to give their entire life's energy and direction to please God to the maximum possible; to those this site is directed.

From the Voice of the Lord: "This is the day of your visitation, regarding the business of obedience feared and repentance required."